MAST Energy Developments

Kibo holds a 55% stake in AIM-listed MAST Energy Developments (MED) – a developer and operator of Reserve Power plants in the UK – aiming to produce 300 MW of safe and clean power through natural gas

MED is acquiring small scale, multiple Reserve Power generation plants throughout the UK and recently acquired three gas-powered Standby Generation Facilities. These projects are expected to come onstream within the near term and be revenue generative in 2022. The Reserve Plants are ideally placed to feed power into the National Grid and contribute to stable electricity provision – preventing future shortages and blackouts.

The UK is in the midst of switching its power generation from fossil fuel base load/large scale gas to Reserve Power gas and renewable power sources.

Katoro Gold Plc

Kibo holds a 25.37% interest in Katoro Gold Plc, an AIM listed battery metals and gold developer in Tanzania It has two exploration projects:

  • The Haneti project with identified potential for nickel (sulphide and laterite), Platinum Group Metals, copper, gold, lithium, and rare earth elements.
  • Blyvoor Gold Joint Venture in South Africa – a strategic near-term gold project in South Africa, focused on reprocessing an existing 1.4 million gold ounces SAMREC compliant tailings resource. The project status is mid – Definitive Feasibility, with a declared probable SAMREC reserve statement and independent SAMVAL valuation.


Kibo holds interests in three utility-scale clean coal assets/power projects.  The Company intends to implement a disposal strategy for these assets that will realise value for shareholders as it believes that a larger entity would be better placed to take them to production. 

  • Benga Power Project in Mozambique
  • Mbeya Coal to Power Project in Tanzania

Mabesekwa Coal Independent Power Project in Botswana