11 December 2015

Dear Shareholder

The Board of Kibo Mining is pleased to report on a highly productive 2015, which saw the Company significantly advance work across our project portfolio. This progress has been achieved against the backdrop of persistent challenges for mining companies.

As one of the best performing mining stocks on London’s Alternative Investment Market in 2015, Kibo continues to create value in a low commodity price environment. Our flagship project, the Mbeya-Coal-to-Power-Project (MCPP), built good momentum during the year, and will show clear catalysts for value in 2016.

Whilst progress this year has been pleasing, we remain focussed on ensuring the value we believe our assets hold is properly recognised in our share price going forward.

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[ott_teaser btn_text=”Download” btn_icon=”icon-right-big” btn_url=”https://kibo.energy/wp-content/uploads/Letter-to-Shareholders-v3.1_10-12-2015.pdf” btn_target=”_blank”]Shareholder Letter[/ott_teaser]