The lucrative UK reserve power market typically consists of day-ahead and real-time markets, aimed at preventing future shortages by balancing out the national grid at critical times and thereby reducing future blackouts events.
Through Kibo’s investment in MED, the will provide reserve power solutions that are flexible, respond immediately to demand and create multi- stream revenues. Targeting this market, MED is structured to acquire, own develop and operate a portfolio of projects of flexible, small scale, multiple reserve power generation plants throughout the UK totalling c. 30 – 40MW by the end of its first year, building a fleet of up to 300 MW installed safe and clean power through natural gas.
Aligned with UK policy to ensure availability and stability of energy on national scale, MED is establishing this UK – wide fleet of generators to enter the forward energy market through a PPA with market trader, Statkraft Markets GmbH.
MED represents an attractive investment case with anticipated low-risk IRRs of over 15%.